Safemate Ladder Lung Covers | RAAH Safety
RAAH Safety—SafeMate Ladder Rung Covers are designed and manufactured to provide the highest-rated non-slip or anti-slip surface. They are superior to nonslip tape as they will not tear, peel, or wear out.
Having a foolproof nonslip surface on ladder rungs is important as falls from ladders are known to cause serious injuries and death. The most recent report published by Safe Work Australia, based on extensive studies carried out between 2003 – 2013, lists more than 3800 injuries and 37 deaths as those due to falls from a ladder. Further, a majority of the deaths occurred when workers were climbing up or down the ladder. Sadly, many injuries and deaths have been due to falls from heights as low as one meter. A good nonslip surface, such as the one from LRCs, will be useful in preventing such mishaps and make ladders a safe piece of equipment.
Although nonslip tapes are being promoted as antislip solutions for ladder rungs, they can offer only limited performance. Nonslip tapes can peel more easily as they are made of plastic material; the tapes do not adhere to the substrate for a long time and do not sustain the tough industrial conditions. SafeMate’s antislip Ladder Rung Covers have been extensively employed in all industrial sectors for many years and are proven to withstand the harshest conditions.
- Engineered profile with calculated angles to clutch ladder rungs tightly
- Highly visible safety yellow
- Durable and long lasting
- Heavy duty stainless steel backing
- Safe surface for bare hands

- Increase in slip, trip and fall prevention
- Reduce the incidences of falls due to slips from ladders
- Available in custom length and sizes
- Can be made in other colours
- Chemically resistant • No peeling or wearing out of antislip surface
- Highest antislip rating – R13 and P5 – as tested by NATA approved, accredited testing facility as per Australian and International standards
- Easy to install
- Compatible with most substrates – ferrous and nonferrous metals, wood, timber, plastic, etc
- Remains antislip in wet, oily, greasy, dry and dirty conditions
- High impact resistance
- Tested to and exceeds the requirements of AS/NZS 4586-2004 & ASTM 02047-04
- Manufactured under strict ISO9001- 2008 and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) standards
- Full 10 year manufacturer warranty